






“A Joined Signed Letter to Support Falkenstein Schule from Taiwan”
Dear Major, 
I've informed some professors and principals about the sad news about Falkenstein Schule, and they all share my deeply concerns. Therefore we decided to write this joined signed letter in more formal way than previously one to you: 
Last spring we visited Falkenstein Schule, we are profoundly inspired. After coming back to Taiwan, we applied some pedagogical methods (including mixed-age teaching) we learned there, and we found they are truly beneficial to our kids. 
Falkenstein Schule might be small in scale, though, its meaning to community nearby is tremendous, which earns our respect to Austria's educational spirit. 
Sincerely we wish schools like Falkenstein Schule could be sustained and cared, so we can still keep having faith in education, also know Austria's government will leave no one behind, no matter how small it may be.
